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Lateral Radiographs of Thorax

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The purpose of this page is to help you apply the structures you have learned on the sagittal CT scan on the previous page to a lateral radiograph.

In your mind, transfer the shaded structures in the shaded, sagittal CT scan to the lateral radiograph, above. The CT scan is in a SAGITTAL plane, progressing from animal left to animal right. Cranial is screen left in the CT scan and radiograph. As you transfer the structures from the CT scan to the radiograph, remember that the radiograph represents all of the structures being "flattened down" into a single plane.

1 - left ventricle 33 37
2 - right ventricle 33 37
3 - right atrium 50
4 - ascending aorta 37
5 - pulmonary trunk 33
6 - left atrium 33 37
7 - aortic arch 37
8 - cranial vena cava 44
9 - caudal vena cava 50
10 - brachiocephalic trunk 37
11 - pulmonary v. 33
12 - left pulmonary a. 31
13 - right pulmonary a. 44
14 - left subclavian a. 37
15 - trachea 42
18 - esophagus 37
19 - descending aorta 37
20 - azygos v. 42
21 - diaphragm 33
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