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The purpose of this page is to transfer your knowledge of the abdominal organs from a segmentation to a sagittal CT scan. The top image is a segmentation of an intact male dog. Tapping on the numbers 1-7 will allow you to progress from ventral to dorsal through the abdomen. In order to efficiently complete this page, you should be adept at identifying the organs in this segmentation. If you are not adept you need to back and review the segmentations again.

The bottom image series is a sagittal CT scan. This scan is from the same intact male dog that the segmented guide is showing. The colors in the segmentation match those in the CT scan. The series progresses from LEFT to RIGHT.

For this question, you will identify structures numbered 1-15 in the CT scan. Enter your answers as "1-answer" etc.

#'s 1-10 are on image 55
#'s 11-14 are on image 77
#15 is on image 69

Answer bank: not all answers will be used on this question
anal canal
ascending colon
ascending duodenum
bulb of penis
caudal vena cava
corpus cavernosum
descending colon
descending duodenum
hepatic portal vein
left adrenal gland
left ductus deferens
left epididymis
left kidney
left testis
left ureter
liver caudate lobe caudate process
liver caudate lobe papillary process
liver left lateral lobe
liver left medial lobe
liver quadrate lobe
liver right lateral lobe
liver right medial lobe
pancreas left lobe
pancreas right lobe
prostate gland
right ductus deferens
right epididymis
right kidney
right testis
right ureter
transverse colon
urethra pelvic part
urethra penile part
urinary bladder
What do you think the answers are?
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